How To Move Your Office
Moving Costs & Downtime - What To Expect
The importance of utilizing a professional relocation service cannot be underestimated. If you are a big business or a small company, you will always find that partnering with a relocation company will:
be of great value to you
provide great insight and experience
ensure that your offices are up and running on-time
Do you know that you must reserve the elevator with the property manager and utilize building protection for floors, doors and hallways? Your firm needs adequate workers comp and liability insurance that the building manager requires? Don't risk the health of your staff members and possibly lose their production due to injury. Sure, you can always find a cheaper alternative but saving money when moving your office is not a gamble worth taking.
It may not always make sense to move all of furniture. Below are different cost scenarios based on your office size. It may make sense to acquire new/used furniture and simply move your contents if the current furniture is less than desirable or is not conducive to your business anymore. Either way, remember that the space you are vacating most likely will need to be cleared of old furniture, as demanded by the Building Owner.
There are many professional moving companies but how do you know which firm is the best fit for your move? Your business relocation has zero margin of error. Your team is on the inside looking out so you can rely on our inside knowledge.
As one of the largest, premier West Coast-based Relocation Management firms with over 80+ years of experience, we work with companies in all 50 states and have access to over 15 years of data, including customer satisfaction scores, claim scores and more. We are glad to refer you to a qualified company that can assist you in your area.
Book a free consultation or simply give us a call at (916) 563-7466.
Typical Relocation Costs
based on a 300 square foot per employee average
use as guideline only, costs may vary and do not include packing materials or reflect density of office environment